Personal shopper

Hello, my name is Ela and I work as an image consultant and personal shopper.

A few years ago I took the step of setting up my own company and building up my own client portfolio.

Previously I developed my work in exclusive brands, such as Max Mara, Carolina Herrera, Loewe...etc.

As an image consultant I offer my services to different profiles of women: executives, businesswomen, lawyers, artists, journalists, therapists... including housewives and non-professionals.

The services I offer are:

Displacement to the client's home, wardrobe organisation, anticipating the next season, organising looks to make it easier for the client, accompaniment to various shopping shops. If the client has an event, from a wedding to any type of social event, accompanying, advising, and finding the best outfit according to the event they have to attend.

Following up and advice at any time the client needs me.

The questions my clients always ask me are:

Do you think people will notice the change in me?

Will I have to change my personal style?

Do I have to change all my clothes?

I don't like shopping at all, could you do it for me?

The prices of my services are:

  • 90€/hour 
  • With a minimum booking of 2h 
  • The displacement is paid by the client
  • For the hiring of 5h the client is given 1 extra hour for free
  • The extra hours cannot be accumulated
  • You can make a gift of my services with a minimum booking of 2h

Consult us

Our job is to make your life easier. Book your appointment and tell us what you are looking for or what you hope to achieve. Our expert will be able to give you the right advice.

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