Nutritional advisor

My name is David Muñoz and I am a Nutritional Advisor.

When I was 13 years old, my father died of cancer, which conditioned my life and from that moment on I decided to take care of myself to the point that I ended up dedicating myself professionally to the world of nutrition.

As a nutritional advisor my goal is for you to achieve yours and while doing so to discover how your body works and why many of the things that happen to your internal and external health happen to you so that you have the power to change it and maintain your results indefinitely.

Let's get those results together!

¿En qué te puedo ayudar?

  • Weight management: whether it's losing weight, gaining weight or keeping it off in a way that's easy and convenient for you.
  • Increase your energy and improve your rest.
  • To regulate and improve intestinal transit.
  • Reduce cellulite.
  • Improve the health of your skin.
  • Improve your fitness.
  • Prevent long-term health problems.
  • Improve your quality of life.
  • Help you to acquire good eating habits.


  • You will have my daily availability for any doubts or questions you may have.
  • A weekly monitoring to see the evolution and to go shaping the way forward.

What are the most important benefits of my service?

  • Whatever your objective is, we will make it easy and comfortable, personalised and adapted to you.
  • I will teach you how to maintain the results we achieve indefinitely.
  • Together we will break down barriers and achieve results that you didn't even think about.
  • Junto a mi servicio nutricional, tendrás también: recetas, deporte online, cocina y mucho más.

How much does my service cost?

I carry out personalised work, adapting to each person according to their objectives and needs.

You can also access a platform with different services such as a blog about nutrition curiosities, how the body works, tips, healthy recipes, exercise tables etc.

Consult us

Our job is to make your life easier. Book your appointment and tell us what you are looking for or what you hope to achieve. Our expert will be able to give you the right advice.

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